Cultivate Resilient, Connected & Thriving Youth with Evidence-Based Mentoring Programs

The SPARK Mentoring Programs provide evidence-based K -12th grade programs and professional development opportunities that increase emotional well-being, resilience, and emotional regulation while developing executive functioning skills needed to navigate life with greater ease.

Mentoring Programs Inspired By Ongoing Classroom Evidence & Results

For 10 years, we have developed, implemented, and researched K-12 mentoring and mental health education programs in our local community that are proven to help youth uncover their innate potential. Grounded in evidence and best practice, our programs Speak to the Potential, Ability, and Resilience inside every Kid (SPARK).

Our highly interactive, asset-based programs guide young people to discover their unbreakable SPARK inside through a better understanding of themselves and others. This knowledge has been proven to increase outcomes in the following competencies: mental well-being, resilience, emotional regulation, communication, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.

Since 2014, the SPARK Mentoring Programs have reached over:


Schools / Organizations



SPARK 10 Year Logo


We Speak to the Potential, Ability, and Resilience inside every Kid (SPARK).
Young Child

This program is designed for children ages 5-7 with 10 core lessons and 1 additional module


This program is designed for children ages 8-10 with 11 core lessons and 2 additional modules

(Middle School)

This program is designed for youth ages 10-13 with 12 core lessons and 3 additional modules

(High School)

This program is designed for youth ages 14-22 with 13 core lessons and 3 additional modules

Local Youth Mentoring With A National Impact

For more than 10 years, our non-profit has developed and implemented youth programs locally in the Tampa, FL area in schools, after-school programs, juvenile detention facilities, sex trafficking survivor safe houses, and rehabilitation facilities.

The transformations we witnessed inspired us to support other communities to replicate our model, which has four key components: evidence-based programs to provide vital skills and knowledge; small group or one-on-one mentoring by trained mentors; schools and organizations to create a safe space and inclusive culture; and community involvement to increase a sense of connectedness.

Today, we support schools, districts, after-school programs, and other social service organizations in over 40 states and 36 countries to unleash the potential of the youth in their community.


"The end result of having the SPARK curriculum has been the ability to build a healthy foundation upon which our school culture and programs could grow. Our school culture has shifted positively. We have been able to reduce the number of behavioral referrals by as much as 60 percent in one month. Our out-of-school suspensions have been reduced from nearly 1500 to less than 900 over the course of the school year. We have met our goal of testing at least 90 of our students, qualifying Horizons to receive a school rating of commendable. I am convinced that these positive outcomes would not be possible without the SPARK curriculum being implemented by The Spark Initiative on our campus for the last two years. I am grateful for the impact and give my highest recommendation."

James Hird, Principal, Horizons Academy

"Bringing SPARK to our community has not only helped our children, but it has also given me a better understanding of different ways to approach situations and allowed me to find my inner SPARK!"

Student Services Specialist, Communities in Schools, Memphis

“We absolutely love implementing the SPARK lessons with our mentees. The concepts learned have helped our kids to make better decisions, which keeps them out of trouble. We have seen a real shift in how they deal with each other and us.”

Youth Mentor, Le Cirque Mentoring, Houma, Louisiana

Our Story

The SPARK Mentoring Programs, as they are known today, were 1st established in 2014 by The SPARK Initiative, a non-profit organization located in Tampa, FL. dedicated to working with their communities’ most vulnerable populations.


K-12, evidence-based, mentoring programs that are proven to build vital skills and guide young people to discover their unbreakable SPARK inside

Professional Development

Fun and inspiring adult learning is available in live, virtual, and asynchronous formats. Fill your cup and equip yourself to profoundly impact your school and community.

October 9th – Oct 11th 2024

National Wellbeing & Resilience Conference

NWRC 2024 is an opportunity to connect with an audience of influential leaders, advocates, and practitioners in the education, mental health, and social services fields. Attendees are interested in learning about leading practices, resources, programs, and research in the Mental, Emotional, and Physical Wellbeing & Resilience fields.

Location: Tampa, FL

Venue: Hilton Downtown, 211 N Tampa ST, Tampa, FL 33602

Conference Dates: October 9th – Oct 11th 2024

If you’d like to explore using the SPARK Mentoring Programs in your school or community, one of our SPARK team members would love to connect with you. Click here to book a call. For all other inquiries, please use the form below: