This week on the #FindYourSPARK Podcast, inspired by a Jim Carey video and Independence Day, Ashley, Jena, and Stephanie reflect upon the concept of freedom.
Recognizing their privilege in enjoying many social and physical freedoms, this conversation focuses on perhaps the most valuable freedom a person can have – freedom of mind. Freedom of mind is recognizing the fundamental truth that no one can make you think or feel anything, and you do not have to engage with unhelpful thoughts that enter your mind. In an analogy perhaps taken too far, they talk about how freedom of mind is like shopping on Amazon. We have an endless amount of product (thoughts) to choose from with the capacity to keep scrolling, save for later, or add to cart and purchase. Just like we wouldn’t spend our money on things we don’t like, why would we spend our energy on thoughts we don’t like?
Tune in to explore the freedom of your own mind.