Blogs and News

Revolutionary Training Programs: Uncover the SPARK Within You

Revolutionary Training Programs: Uncover the SPARK Within You

Unlock Human Potential: SPARK Mentoring and Insight to Wellbeing Training Opportunities
SPARK’s training programs and professional development courses bring positive changes to people’s lives. Join the trainings now and feel the inner changes while inspiring those that you serve!

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SPARK’s Mental Health Programs for Elementary School Kids

SPARK’s Mental Health Programs for Elementary School Kids

Setting the foundation for resilient and thriving youth better prepares tomorrow’s leaders to navigate life with greater ease and bloom into thriving adults.
Read more to learn about the importance of resilience in youth and unlock strategies and tools to implement within your classroom.

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Resilience in Youth

Resilience in Youth

Setting the foundation for resilient and thriving youth better prepares tomorrow’s leaders to navigate life with greater ease and bloom into thriving adults.
Read more to learn about the importance of resilience in youth and unlock strategies and tools to implement within your classroom.

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Strategies for Effective Youth Leadership Development

Strategies for Effective Youth Leadership Development

Introduction   Investing in youth leadership development is an essential skill that plays a crucial role in the success of youth individually, and our society, collectively. At The Spark Initiative, we believe that everyone has the capacity to lead, whether...

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Understanding and Supporting Youth At-Risk 

Understanding and Supporting Youth At-Risk 

Youth at-risk typically refers to young individuals who face a higher probability of experiencing negative outcomes in various aspects of their lives due to factors such as poverty, family instability, involvement in the juvenile...

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Trusting My SPARK-Six Years Later

Trusting My SPARK-Six Years Later

Whether it be a young child in elementary school struggling to fit in or an incarcerated military veteran that lost hope somewhere along the way, being involved with the people in my community has always been important to me. It doesn’t matter what someone has been through, how they look, or the decisions they have made—everyone has a SPARK inside and everyone has something valuable to offer this world. I am lucky to have this awareness, but not everyone has had the chance to learn this yet.

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Finding Freedom in Jail Through Forgiveness

Finding Freedom in Jail Through Forgiveness

As Chad and I finished an Insight to Well-Being class last week with a group of women at the Falkenburg Road Jail, we reflected on the insights that were discovered with this group. One being the Power of Forgiveness.

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