When I first started my internship with the SPARK Initiative, I honestly could not have imagined how deeply this knowledge would impact my daily life. The awesome part about this curriculum is that it is not based on opinions, but rather, it is based on fact; therefore, this understanding of the mind is at a foundational level of human society, and is relevant to everyone. This information continues to be presented in a simple way that is not often found in the world of academia. Perhaps one of the most influential parts of the curriculum for me is the topic and existence of limiting thoughts.
I have been my own worst critic for as long as I can remember. I put the highest expectations on myself, and I have been meaner to myself than I have ever been to anyone else. Not only was I straight up rude to myself, these habits were also limiting me in ways I had never seen.
It is easy to want to look backwards in my life and search for times where I had limited myself. I know deep down that having this understanding at a younger age would have shifted my path, but I also know that I am where I need to be, and I took the route I needed to take. I am grateful to have this knowledge now and forever moving forward.
Woah Macy Hembd aka Mace Circa 2019 Mixed Media on paper 9 in. x 11 in. Before SPARK. A visual representation of how I thought my mind looked previously, and therefore how I felt. This expressive piece is made of leftover paint from another piece.
The only time is now and we must be present to hear our own limiting thoughts. Not only do we need to be present, but we also need an empty, Beginner’s mind to fully hear and track limiting thoughts to the source. Without this mindset, we can show up to an opportunity with old thinking and labels of ourselves and the rest of the world, so we can still miss the opportunities and magic at play in the present. This will only lead to further limitations. There is a natural turning point once you understand that you have been limiting yourself in your mind: a point where you realize that the only person that can hold you back in life is yourself.
Creating Space Macy Hembd aka Mace 2021 Watercolor on paper 5 in. x 7 in. After SPARK A visual representation of how my mind used to feel, gradually changing to how it feels now. Think of each dot as a thought. The colors stay the same throughout, since we are unable to control the thoughts that come to us. The clustering of dots shows anxiety, harmful thoughts and self-conscious energy. The larger dots represent the panic attacks I used to experience, and the build up to it. Now, there is space. Silence. Presence. My thoughts do not control my life; they are just a part of it.
So, let me break this down. The mind automatically comes up with new thoughts all day every day. We cannot control what thoughts come to us; they come from Source or deep down inside us. The mind cannot wait to step in with conscious and unconscious thoughts, which provoke emotions. Since we cannot control our thoughts, we can only control which ones we hold onto, which ones we let define us and which ones we give weight and value to.
It is often after the original, truthful thoughts— you know, the ones that come with inspiration, creativity, and self- expression, the ones that make your eyes light up when you talk about it, where all the passion is. Those thoughts are the ones to hold onto a little longer, but with a loose grip to facilitate ebb and flow, growth, elevation and evolution. After these magical thoughts come the judgment and limitations. Maybe it is the ego or trauma that talks, but the key is to acknowledge these secondary thoughts, without judgment, and release them. These are not the thoughts to hold on to, because they are not you.
We are all so much more than any one thought at any moment. We are not the feelings that accompany those thoughts either. We are infinite like the Source we come from. So, follow your feelings to the thought that provoked it. There you will find things to release, to analyze a bit more, you will see limiting thoughts, old and outdated versions of yourself and the rest of the world.
I would like to conclude this with an invitation for you to explore where you are currently limiting yourself. These can show up as things or ideas we take as truth, thinking of being stuck or that nothing can change, old habits, old thought patterns, unrealistic expectations, fearful thinking, self- deprecating thoughts, daily habits and so much more. When you come across or hear a limiting thought or a fear reaction to a thought, know that you are okay and you are whole. We all have these thoughts, but also know how much more you are than that thought or feeling. Experiences, people, things and money only show up to the limits of our vision and vibrations. So, think bigger and more openly, and that is what you shall receive. So, let us go release and elevate.
Absolutely amazing Macy! It is wonderful to read of how much this understanding is transforming your perspective on life. Thank you for sharing and explaining your artwork. I like the fact that you have used old bits of leftover paint for the “Before SPARK” watercolour, for me this adds a whole extra dimension to the metaphor. With this depth of understanding, I’m sure you will easily awaken the SPARK in others. It is a privilege to be on the same team as you. SPARKLE ON!